Caitlyn, I am so grateful for you and the things you write. You have the unique ability to fill me with content for the life I have while still hoping for the life I could have.

Also, great book recommendations!

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This made my day. Thank you for being here 🤎

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finally! a realistic summer

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Unfortunate, but yes, real 😅

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You can also write about a fictional character experiencing sad girl summer and struggling with getting out of the loop, for example:) There are so many options, just make sure you have open eyes and that you notice things when you are outside, that's how ideas might come right to you!

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Love this thank you! 🤎

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Fleabag ❤️

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Love to consume sad media!! (Is it potentially damaging to my mental wellbeing? Who knows)

Would def recommend Lie With Me by Philippe Besson if you’re into nostalgic French melancholia

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Oh, I loved that book so much! 🤎

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White nights is what I'm reading next, I can't wait also to read Sally Rooney's books, they're perfect summer reads

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White nights permanently altered my brain chemistry. You’re going to love it!

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Just wanted to comment that I’m also participating in sad girl summer/ career change summer. It’s so hard and I didn’t expect to be hit with such strong negative feelings of anxiety and loneliness during what is usually such a happy season. I feel so stressed trying to get my life together during a time when most are relaxing and enjoying the sun and their friends. But that’s life…..We will get through it together! It was great to read this and not feel so alone in what a tough time this is right now.

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I can certainly relate! It’s really hard to show up and be yourself around others when your life is completely upended. It’s all consuming.

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I LOVE some sad girl books. Highly recommend anything by Melissa Broder… Milk Fed is my favorite. My Year of Rest and Relaxation also seems perfectly in line with your current life transition. Pizza Girl is similarly great!!

Was thinking of doing a sad girl literature roundup of my own - now I definitely will!

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I loved milk fed! Thanks for all the recs 🤎🤎

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