he wasn't terrible, but my own father was abusive solely to my mother and he also left and cheated on her when i was around 8 or so. he didn't show up to provide for my siblings and i until a few years later, i still find myself unable to forgive him. father's day always brings apathy for me, but i cannot even imagine what emotions it must dredge up for you and so many other people with uncaring fathers who never even tried to step into that role.

i am genuinely so sorry you had to go through all of that. i appreciate this piece, especially that reminder towards the end. we don't owe them our kindness, grace, or forgiveness. your daughter is lucky to have you <3

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I'm so sorry you've had to struggle, too. I'm here for you <3

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Thank you for this post and for opening up about your story. I'm sending you love and a big hug. I was abused by my father and we are completely estranged, so it can be hard to see all the loving and caring fathers and wonder why I was never worthy of that treatment. Going through therapy and knowing I'll always make sure my future children feel loved and wanted helps.

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That is horrendous and I'm sorry you had to go through that :( It not fair that you had to experience life with a shitty father, but will give you so much perspective when you become a mother.

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Exactly, that’s a comfort to hear. A bad parent shouldn’t be the lesson to be a good one but it makes me excited for how I’d like to raise my hypothetical children. Honestly thank you again for sharing your story and my heart goes out to you for what you went through.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope that you never have to experience something like that again. You are insanely strong and brave just for sharing this with strangers.

I cannot even express how much this might help others—to know that they are not alone, that people are sociopaths and that we don't have to love them, that life sucks but then it turns around and ends up being way better.

Thank you for this piece, even though I cried my eyes out while reading it.

And to your father: fuck you, honestly just fuck you.

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Thank you for saying this and thank you for the love and support. It truly means everything to me <3

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I’m so sorry this happened to you , you are an angel I follow you for a while now and you truly seem like a kind person and it’s like a friend recommending articles and talking sending you hugs 🤍🤍

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I love you. Your presence and support mean so much! 🤎

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sending you warm hugs Caitlyn 🫂❤️‍🩹

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sending hugs back <33

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